So long about 1:30am I glance at the clock and do that, "Oh crud!" thing where you ponder the laws of the universe and mentally curse the one that disallows rewinding time so you can go back to, oh, say 8:30pm again, and get a good nights sleep to deal with all the Mom-ing you'll be doing when the sun comes up. Since I could of course not rewind time as I so desperately wished, I took my thimble-sized pregnant bladder to do it's business and crawled into bed to stick my cold feet on hubby's legs. (Something I'm sure he appreciates ever so much. But he's such a good egg, he never complains about it.)
After laying there for a grand total of 3 minuites I begin to feel the congestion coming on. You know what I mean. When you're preggo it seems like every allergy you ever thought about comes out to play for 9 months solid. You can go all day only blowing your stuffy nose 12 times and then the second you lay down you're suddenly magically so full of ick you can't breathe and feel like you are choking. Which is precisely what happened to me. And now, even blowing my nose 12 times a minute cannot seem to tame the clogged-up ick in myh lungs. After nearly choking three times, gagging, and deciding I'd rather get back up than choke to death or throw up, I decided to make a cup of tea! Or rather a whole pot of tea! But instead of digging out the teapot or filling the coffee maker, I decided to use an open pot so I could breathe the steam while my water boiled and the tea steeped. So I made my tea, enjoying the minty delicious smelling steam and hoping it would help my ick problem.
While the tea steeped, I sat back down at the computer with the pot steaming in front of me, to keep busy until it was drinkable. Suddenly I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and a really BIG spider was inches from my elbow, rapelling down the wall. I was scrambling to switch hands with my tea, grab a tissue, and smoosh the
But anyway, back to my pot of tea. Now, usually Sleepytime Tea is one of my absolute favorites! It's relaxing, it's delicious, it smells heavenly... Except that the dishwasher must not have cleaned that pot out so well. My delicious tea tasted just like... boiled dirty sock water. Not that I've ever tasted boiled socks but it tasted like what I would imagine dirty sock water would taste like. Oh well, I wasn't really in the mood for tea anyway.
So now I'm off to bed, hoping the sock tea steam unclogged my breathing tubes enough to get to sleep. Now that it's 3:00am... The kids will be waking up in precisely 4.3 hours so I'd better get in there and take all the sleep I can get. I think a Mama-nap will definately be in the schedule