Okay my friends, I'm going to be out of blogging comission for a few days. We're not going anywhere special and I'm not in the hospital having preterm labor (at the moment) but honestly the hot weather has just set in here as of about a week ago and I'm absolutely miserable. I can't sleep because it's too hot. What sleep I do get is because I'm literally wrapped around an ice pack straight out of the freezer and when it melts I have to put it back in the freezer and wait for it to freeze again. We have central air, I just apparently cannot tolerate being pregnant in the summer heat. So I am EXHAUSTED and I usually blog during Bug's first nap while Chicklet plays with play-doh but I have been so exhausted I am having trouble just keeping up with the kids. Dishes and laundry are falling by the wayside. I can't concentrate. I'm still dealing with morning sickness.
So here's the deal, I have to pare it down to bare minimum. You know, survival mode. As much as I love blogging I will have to put it off for a bit until I can figure out a solution for how to get some sleep so I can function. :( I hope I'll feel better in a few days. It really really bugs me when I don't have any energy. It's the most irritating thing for me. It puts me in a really bad mood to have my brain wanting to do all this stuff and my body just won't GO. So it really rankles to have to back-burner my blog, but ya know how it is. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do until something else falls into place. Hopefully that will be SOON. I'm hoping for a few days. :D See how optomistic I am? Now I suppose it could be as long as a few months- until after the baby's born and the newborn adjustment phase is ending. But no, I don't want to think about not blogging for that long. The thought makes me sad! So hopefully I'll be back soon. Very very soon. ;) Have a great weekend! Or a great summer! (Just in case it's longer than I hope before I'm back.)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
UPDATED: 29 weeks is not a good time to be in labor
Toddler Tales totally slipped my mind yesterday. Why? I'm only 29 1/2 weeks but I've been having contractions all night and in pain and they're starting to worry me. So if you'd say a prayer for me that would be great. I need to go call my midwife. Oh and if you have any tips for getting the contractions to stop I'm all ears. I've tried sitting, standing, walking sleeping, ice pack, and sipping water the whole time. About ready to try a heating pad. Prayers & Ideas appreciated.
Okay so yesterday I felt just not right all day. I brushed it off as lack of sleep because Monday night I felt like I was roasting alive all night and couldn't sleep. 8:55pm I had a really strong contraction and it made me suck in my breath and moan. I looked at hubby in shock and said, "Wow, I think that's the strongest one I've had yet!" Then another at 9pm, one right on top of another for a while, probably an hour, and then they started getting farther apart and some were less intense. I was guzzling cold water hoping that would slow them down but they took their sweet time to slow down. I was still having the occasional less painful one by bedtime but that's not unusual for me. I have been contracting almost daily since 20 weeks. Just not this many extra painful ones at once. Well all night last night I felt crampy and then this morning I woke up serious pain from another one of those doozie contractions. No sooner had it ended, than another began. Just like that hour from 9 to 10 last night. I stood up and paced around the house a bit. Didn't help. Sat down and drank some ice water. Didn't help. Put an ice pack on my belly- the ice pack I'd been CUDDLING in bed because I've been so overheated at night - and the ice helped one contraction but became seriously less and less effective super fast so forget that idea. I called hubby at work and told him we might have a problem. Now, I had to call him at work and prewarn him "just in case" with Bug a few times too, but I never had to have him come home and take me to the hospital to get it stopped. There was this one time that I was laying in bed and the contractions were like they were this morning and last night and I was pretty scared, but I prayed and they finally stopped after about an hour. So that's what this reminded me of only I was scared because I'd had them all yesterday evening and then been crampy all night with an occasional contraction, and then woke up in the middle of a nice painful one this morning and they started in with the one on top of each other thing right off the bat. So it scared me. So I called hubby. And then I tried to call the midwife but the office was closed and I feel so bad calling the emergency number in case the contractions are going to just magically stop as soon as I dial, so I decided to try one more thing in the half hour before the office opens. I put my poor Bug back in his crib and asked Chicklet to get him some toys and I went and had a 10 minute hot bath at 8:30am and you know what? It stopped those contractions in their tracks! :) Hooray!
**UPDATE** almost 10am
Okay another update... It's been an hour since I got out of the tub and I had another contraction. I am going to go find my heating pad. I tried to call the midwife office again and no answer. I don't want to call that emergency number. I don't wanna. Makes me feel like a hypochondriac or something. I'll call the office again in a few minutes and see if they answer. I need some fresh ideas for how to get these contractions under control.
**UPDATE AGAIN** about 12:30pm
Okay I've had about 5 contractions total since I got out of the tub and they are only annoyingly painful- which is about my "normal" rate and degree of contractions. Yay! I'm still drinking water like a camel and going to go lay down for a couple hours while Chicklet colors soon. Buggie went down for a nap late; at noon today which means he may or may not sleep straight through until 3 or 4pm! I heard him squeaking alot during the night so he didn't sleep too soundly. Maybe that means he'll be nice and tired and have a good long nap for me. I hope the contractions stay in "normal" range now. I would hate to go lay down to rest and have them start up again. You wouldn't think that a nap would make them start up again though... would you? :-/
**LAST(?) UPDATE** 8pm
Just got the tots to bed. Why is it that the sweetest kids act HORRIBLE when Mommy's under the weather? :p
Halfway through my nap the contractions picked up a notch. They have been coming and going, a few at a time, all evening. They seem to be slowing down again now, thankfully. I tried to call the midwives' office several times today and they never answered. They don't go in on Wednesdays if there aren't enough preggo mamas to have appointments every day that week. Usually the secretary is there though so I wonder why she didn't answer? Hmmm...
Praying I don't start contracting again tonight! Right now baby is moving around in there like crazy. It tickles and sometimes hurts when she's squirming. :) I love it though!
Thank you for your prayers today! ♥ It meant alot to me that someone dropped by and read what I was going through, said a prayer and left a comment.
Okay so yesterday I felt just not right all day. I brushed it off as lack of sleep because Monday night I felt like I was roasting alive all night and couldn't sleep. 8:55pm I had a really strong contraction and it made me suck in my breath and moan. I looked at hubby in shock and said, "Wow, I think that's the strongest one I've had yet!" Then another at 9pm, one right on top of another for a while, probably an hour, and then they started getting farther apart and some were less intense. I was guzzling cold water hoping that would slow them down but they took their sweet time to slow down. I was still having the occasional less painful one by bedtime but that's not unusual for me. I have been contracting almost daily since 20 weeks. Just not this many extra painful ones at once. Well all night last night I felt crampy and then this morning I woke up serious pain from another one of those doozie contractions. No sooner had it ended, than another began. Just like that hour from 9 to 10 last night. I stood up and paced around the house a bit. Didn't help. Sat down and drank some ice water. Didn't help. Put an ice pack on my belly- the ice pack I'd been CUDDLING in bed because I've been so overheated at night - and the ice helped one contraction but became seriously less and less effective super fast so forget that idea. I called hubby at work and told him we might have a problem. Now, I had to call him at work and prewarn him "just in case" with Bug a few times too, but I never had to have him come home and take me to the hospital to get it stopped. There was this one time that I was laying in bed and the contractions were like they were this morning and last night and I was pretty scared, but I prayed and they finally stopped after about an hour. So that's what this reminded me of only I was scared because I'd had them all yesterday evening and then been crampy all night with an occasional contraction, and then woke up in the middle of a nice painful one this morning and they started in with the one on top of each other thing right off the bat. So it scared me. So I called hubby. And then I tried to call the midwife but the office was closed and I feel so bad calling the emergency number in case the contractions are going to just magically stop as soon as I dial, so I decided to try one more thing in the half hour before the office opens. I put my poor Bug back in his crib and asked Chicklet to get him some toys and I went and had a 10 minute hot bath at 8:30am and you know what? It stopped those contractions in their tracks! :) Hooray!
**UPDATE** almost 10am
Okay another update... It's been an hour since I got out of the tub and I had another contraction. I am going to go find my heating pad. I tried to call the midwife office again and no answer. I don't want to call that emergency number. I don't wanna. Makes me feel like a hypochondriac or something. I'll call the office again in a few minutes and see if they answer. I need some fresh ideas for how to get these contractions under control.
**UPDATE AGAIN** about 12:30pm
Okay I've had about 5 contractions total since I got out of the tub and they are only annoyingly painful- which is about my "normal" rate and degree of contractions. Yay! I'm still drinking water like a camel and going to go lay down for a couple hours while Chicklet colors soon. Buggie went down for a nap late; at noon today which means he may or may not sleep straight through until 3 or 4pm! I heard him squeaking alot during the night so he didn't sleep too soundly. Maybe that means he'll be nice and tired and have a good long nap for me. I hope the contractions stay in "normal" range now. I would hate to go lay down to rest and have them start up again. You wouldn't think that a nap would make them start up again though... would you? :-/
**LAST(?) UPDATE** 8pm
Just got the tots to bed. Why is it that the sweetest kids act HORRIBLE when Mommy's under the weather? :p
Halfway through my nap the contractions picked up a notch. They have been coming and going, a few at a time, all evening. They seem to be slowing down again now, thankfully. I tried to call the midwives' office several times today and they never answered. They don't go in on Wednesdays if there aren't enough preggo mamas to have appointments every day that week. Usually the secretary is there though so I wonder why she didn't answer? Hmmm...
Praying I don't start contracting again tonight! Right now baby is moving around in there like crazy. It tickles and sometimes hurts when she's squirming. :) I love it though!
Thank you for your prayers today! ♥ It meant alot to me that someone dropped by and read what I was going through, said a prayer and left a comment.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Our Schedule & Chores (A day in my life)
I've been considering posting our schedule. Not that it's a very scheduled schedule right now. So I kept procrastinating, thinking maybe I should wait until after the baby is born to post it because when I have a newborn, after the adjustment phase, things become very scheduled around here as a matter of survival. At least they have with my previous 2. :) But then I thought, our un-schedule is working pretty good for us right now while I'm pregnant so maybe I might like to look back on it next time I'm pregnant and take a few ideas. Or maybe just for your personal enjoyment you might like to see what a day in our life looks like and raise some eyebrows or laugh at us or whatever. ;)
I don't sleep well normally, and less so while preggo, so I toss and turn most of the night but my official "day" usually starts at about...
6:30am- This preggo mama makes a bathroom trip as SNEAKILY as possible since the bathroom is right next to the kids' room. Then I collapse back into bed and doze in and out until...
7 to 8am- Anytime between 7 and 8, Chicklet sneaks out of the kids' room and whispers to me from the foot of my bed, "Mama! Can I go potty?!" To which I reply, "YES! Go potty, silly!" and wonder why she asks permission to use the toilet every single morning! Lol! Silly girl... Then she returns asking if she may color. Her coloring station is a mini table and chair in the corner right beside my side of the bed. I try to answer coherently as she peppers me with questions and statements in a whisper and colors and draws. Gradually I wake up. I'm not a morning person. I have never understood anyone who can open their eyes and then perkily bounce out of bed in a fully-aware state in under 5 minutes. My brain doesn't even begin to work properly until 10am and I have to plan my day accordingly or I'm fixing my pre-10am sleepy-head mistakes the rest of the day. :p I'm thankful for my kids because before kids I would just keep dozing for hours because I couldn't summon the oomph to move and there was nothing to keep me from falling back to sleep since I couldn't move yet. Now with kids, Chicklet just talks incessantly so falling back to sleep is impossible and I can get my limbs to work to get me out of bed after about 10 minutes of her chatter. ;)
8:00am- Bug wakes up and sings out from the crib, "Maaaaamaaaa!" or occasionally something to be funny like, "Marco!" or "Dada!" :-s Hmph! I sing back, "Buggie!" or something in kind with his silliness as I waddle down the hallway, use the bathroom, and make my way in to get him. I peek around the corner smiling and he falls down laughing hysterically with delight at the first sight of me. Chicklet meanwhile has put away her crayons and beat me to the kids' room. She usually jumps up excitedly at the first sound of her brother's voice and is putting away crayons at 90 miles per hour while I'm waddling down the hall to the bathroom. She sits on her bed with a bright smile as I get Bug up and changed and get everyone dressed.
8:10am- Two sleepy people stagger and one chipper Chicklet bounces out to the kitchen. ;) Bet you'll never guess which one of us is the morning person. I fix us some quick breakfast. I do not cook for breakfast. As I said I do not function before 10am and would probably burn my hand off or put the wrong ingredients in or burn something. So for breakfast we have cold leftovers, or something microwaiveable, or cereal.
9:00am- I turn on the computer and play some Facebook games- something mindless that doesn't require brain power like Farmville (you know, click click click on each plot of ground to harvest, click click click to plow, click click click to plant; no brain cells required) so that I can focus my gradually building brain power on my tots. Meanwhile behind me the tots have dumped out the toy box and are dragging toys all over the living room. There is an occasional squabble or misbehavior which I try to address immediately. By 9:30 I'm bored with the mindless Facebook games and my brain is starting to work properly and I'm having to get after Bug more because it's getting close to first nap and he's getting close to crab-mode. Sometime beftween breakfast and 10am we all wind up in the bathroom brushing our teeth.
10:00am- I offer the kids a snack of fruit or cheese or something. Bug isn't a big eater and doesn't usually want it unless it's a banana. I put him down for a nap. Chicklet finishes her snack. Mommy's got her brain functioning enough to feel human again so it's time to do chores! :) Since Chicklet has started doing them with me I have begun to look forward to morning chores.
Morning Chores:
-Empty kitchen trash?
-Unload Dishwasher
-Reload and run Dishwasher
-Start a load of Laundry
-Sweep kitchen
-Fold some laundry
So I put Bug down for his nap and then wash my hands and head to the dishwasher where my little shadow follows me. :) She puts away the clean silverware while I empty everything on the bottom rack that she cannot help with, and then move onto the top rack. When she's done the silverware she starts in on what's left on the bottom rack and I finish the top and then we reload it. I direct her for the reloading because she doesn't quite grasp that things go in certain places in the dishwasher to get them cleanest and make most efficient use of the space. When we're done she gets a kicks out of filling the soap. It goes everywhere but she's so cute... :) She can't snap the soap dispenser shut so I do that for her, then she closes the door and turns the dishwasher on. I usually wipe out the sink while she's finishing up if we've managed to completely empty it in our dishwasher loading. Then we move on to the laundry room. I turn on the water and add some detergent, then sort out a load of laundry. Chicklet puts the designated pile into the washer and we close the lid. Then I have her grab an armload of clean stuff from the dryer and I grab what's left and we take it to the basket in the living room. I know it would be easier to take the basket to the dryer first but I always forget. ;)
For a job well done we have a beverage break! This is our special thing we do after our together chores. We might have sweet iced tea or lemonade or coolaid or she might have a hot cocoa while Mommy enjoys some decaff. She chatters my ear off while we sip and I enjoy every minute of it. Then when she's done she puts her glass on the counter and gets out the play-doh while Mommy's has some ice water and hits the blog zone to read or write. Some days there's too much to read to get to writing anything in the mornings and it has to wait until later. If something takes a bit to load I fold the laundry in the basket beside me as I wait. I like to listen to a sermon online while I fold, read, and blog. Chicklet keeps up a running commentary on what she's creating out of the play-doh in the kitchen and I respond encouragingly. I also drink lots of water and snack on almonds or jerky to keep my blood sugars level. Multitasking is the name of the game! Haha...
When she's done playing with her play-doh I consider the degree of mess. She always puts away the dough and tools but there are usually play-doh crumbs all over the floor when she's done. Not to mention normal kitchen floor stuff. If the kitchen floor isn't very bad, Play-Doh and all, I let her sweep it herself and then give her a rag to wash the table while I linger at the computer a little longer. If it's in need of a serious sweeping I have her wash the table while Mommy sweeps the floor. The person who doesn't sweep holds the dustpan for the other and then dumps the crumbs in the trash. ;)
If the kitchen trash is full we empty that sometime in the course of things. Chicklet puts a clean bag in the kitchen trash can while I drag the full one out to the outside can. Sometimes if it's almost full but not quite, I give her a rag to wash the lid while I sneak around the house looking for other smaller trashes to empty into the space at the top of the kitchen one to make it full enough to take out.
Noon- Buggie wakes up! Sorta... lol. Sometimes it takes him a bit to wind down at 10am before he falls asleep and then he's grouch-a-rama when I get him up at noon. Or sometimes he falls asleep instantly and wakes up a bit before noon and by the time I get in there he's removed his pillow from it's case and sang his ABC's three times and begun to holler, "Maaaarco!" for me to hurry up and finish sweeping so I can rescue him from boredom in the crib. Lol! I take the kids' folded clean clothes in with me when I go to get him up. I make a light lunch. Usually it's PB&J or bagels or fried eggs. Sometimes soup. Depends how hot it is and what we feel like eating. Gotta have some protein in there somewhere for my blood sugars.
For the next couple hours we do all sorts of stuff and in no particular order and with no particular consistency. Kids play with toys, Mommy finishes listening to her sermon, work on catechism with Chicklet and/or a reading/writing lesson, roll around on the floor with kids, play learning games with Bug like having him point to the body part I name or asking him what color this or that toy is. By 1:30pm I'm dragging, exhausted. I probably look at the clock 20 or 30 times in that last half hour before nap.
2:00pm- Snack. Bug's 2nd nap. I forget as much as I remember or more but this is the time I like to take the meat out of the freezer for supper. Chicklet goes to coloring station while Mama takes a nap! Yahoooooooo!!!!! If Chicklet has been naughty with crayons during the previous day's nap, she must take a nap with me instead of coloring. If she was responsible with her crayons and only colored on approved surfaces, she may color while Mama naps. And I do use Naps loosely. Remember what I said about her talking incessantly? Lol! So sleeping doesn't usually come into it unless she winds up napping with me, but I do manage to doze off here and there between her chatter. ;)
4:00pm- Sometimes it's later if Bug-bug had a short morning nap or his noisy sister takes a nap with me and is therefore not waking the house with her incessant conversation, but usually 4pm is the magic wake up time. I get him up and then sit in the living room refereeing kids while struggling to fully wake up and function. I'm seriously a zombie when I first get up. By
5:00pm- I've usually got myself coherent again and switch the laundry over, start a new load, start cooking the supper meat. Bug gets grumpy near dinnertime and starts picking on his sister. It gets a little wild trying to keep them sweet while making dinner and this is the time of day the phone is ringing off the hook too of course. Sometimes it all goes out the window. Especially on sick days. If I'm gonna get sick on any given day, you can be sure that between 5 and 6pm is when the puking is worst. Might have something to do with the smell of cooking meat being one of my worst triggers? So there are days when hubby calls to say he's on his way home and I have to ask him to pick up dinner because I just can't do it tonight.
6:00pm or whenever hubby gets home- We eat dinner. Kids play with Daddy for a while or take baths if they need them after eating dinner.
7:00pm- Bug bedtime normally.
7:30pm- Bug bedtime if he slept late at nap or doesn't seem tired. Chicklet bedtime if she's grumpy.
8:00pm- Chicklet's bedtime if she's being sweet and had a nap that day.
After the kids are in bed, Hubby and I talk, cuddle, watch a movie, hang out, veg out. Eventually the food gets put away and we play some more brain-powered games on Facebook than my morning brainless ones. ;) I scrub the toilet and pick up a little in the bathroom. Laundry, more laundry. I do alot of laundry after the tots are in bed. Anything that didn't get done that morning or is leftover from earlier in the week. Sometimes I take a shower. Sometimes I listen to another sermon. Sometimes he watches TV. Sometimes I blog. Sometimes he listens to music. Sometimes on Facebook we think it's funny to chat with each other even though we're sitting right next to each other. Hehe...
"We" usually hit the hay around 10pm but sometimes it's later or sometimes I don't go to bed with him right away because I'm finishing something up or sometimes I toss and turn for an hour or three and then get back up. When I finally do get to bed and get my body to fall asleep, it doesn't like to stay that way for long. I'm up at least every 2 or 3 hours for at least 10 minutes each time. Sometimes I wake up and can't get back to sleep for hours. On a good night I only wake up 3 times. Then along comes 7am and my morning sunshine walks in asking permission to use the bathroom and starting my day off with a smile! :)
So that's a typical day in my life! In all of it's partially-scheduled and partially-random weirdness.
I don't sleep well normally, and less so while preggo, so I toss and turn most of the night but my official "day" usually starts at about...
6:30am- This preggo mama makes a bathroom trip as SNEAKILY as possible since the bathroom is right next to the kids' room. Then I collapse back into bed and doze in and out until...
7 to 8am- Anytime between 7 and 8, Chicklet sneaks out of the kids' room and whispers to me from the foot of my bed, "Mama! Can I go potty?!" To which I reply, "YES! Go potty, silly!" and wonder why she asks permission to use the toilet every single morning! Lol! Silly girl... Then she returns asking if she may color. Her coloring station is a mini table and chair in the corner right beside my side of the bed. I try to answer coherently as she peppers me with questions and statements in a whisper and colors and draws. Gradually I wake up. I'm not a morning person. I have never understood anyone who can open their eyes and then perkily bounce out of bed in a fully-aware state in under 5 minutes. My brain doesn't even begin to work properly until 10am and I have to plan my day accordingly or I'm fixing my pre-10am sleepy-head mistakes the rest of the day. :p I'm thankful for my kids because before kids I would just keep dozing for hours because I couldn't summon the oomph to move and there was nothing to keep me from falling back to sleep since I couldn't move yet. Now with kids, Chicklet just talks incessantly so falling back to sleep is impossible and I can get my limbs to work to get me out of bed after about 10 minutes of her chatter. ;)
8:00am- Bug wakes up and sings out from the crib, "Maaaaamaaaa!" or occasionally something to be funny like, "Marco!" or "Dada!" :-s Hmph! I sing back, "Buggie!" or something in kind with his silliness as I waddle down the hallway, use the bathroom, and make my way in to get him. I peek around the corner smiling and he falls down laughing hysterically with delight at the first sight of me. Chicklet meanwhile has put away her crayons and beat me to the kids' room. She usually jumps up excitedly at the first sound of her brother's voice and is putting away crayons at 90 miles per hour while I'm waddling down the hall to the bathroom. She sits on her bed with a bright smile as I get Bug up and changed and get everyone dressed.
8:10am- Two sleepy people stagger and one chipper Chicklet bounces out to the kitchen. ;) Bet you'll never guess which one of us is the morning person. I fix us some quick breakfast. I do not cook for breakfast. As I said I do not function before 10am and would probably burn my hand off or put the wrong ingredients in or burn something. So for breakfast we have cold leftovers, or something microwaiveable, or cereal.
9:00am- I turn on the computer and play some Facebook games- something mindless that doesn't require brain power like Farmville (you know, click click click on each plot of ground to harvest, click click click to plow, click click click to plant; no brain cells required) so that I can focus my gradually building brain power on my tots. Meanwhile behind me the tots have dumped out the toy box and are dragging toys all over the living room. There is an occasional squabble or misbehavior which I try to address immediately. By 9:30 I'm bored with the mindless Facebook games and my brain is starting to work properly and I'm having to get after Bug more because it's getting close to first nap and he's getting close to crab-mode. Sometime beftween breakfast and 10am we all wind up in the bathroom brushing our teeth.
10:00am- I offer the kids a snack of fruit or cheese or something. Bug isn't a big eater and doesn't usually want it unless it's a banana. I put him down for a nap. Chicklet finishes her snack. Mommy's got her brain functioning enough to feel human again so it's time to do chores! :) Since Chicklet has started doing them with me I have begun to look forward to morning chores.
Morning Chores:
-Empty kitchen trash?
-Unload Dishwasher
-Reload and run Dishwasher
-Start a load of Laundry
-Sweep kitchen
-Fold some laundry
So I put Bug down for his nap and then wash my hands and head to the dishwasher where my little shadow follows me. :) She puts away the clean silverware while I empty everything on the bottom rack that she cannot help with, and then move onto the top rack. When she's done the silverware she starts in on what's left on the bottom rack and I finish the top and then we reload it. I direct her for the reloading because she doesn't quite grasp that things go in certain places in the dishwasher to get them cleanest and make most efficient use of the space. When we're done she gets a kicks out of filling the soap. It goes everywhere but she's so cute... :) She can't snap the soap dispenser shut so I do that for her, then she closes the door and turns the dishwasher on. I usually wipe out the sink while she's finishing up if we've managed to completely empty it in our dishwasher loading. Then we move on to the laundry room. I turn on the water and add some detergent, then sort out a load of laundry. Chicklet puts the designated pile into the washer and we close the lid. Then I have her grab an armload of clean stuff from the dryer and I grab what's left and we take it to the basket in the living room. I know it would be easier to take the basket to the dryer first but I always forget. ;)
For a job well done we have a beverage break! This is our special thing we do after our together chores. We might have sweet iced tea or lemonade or coolaid or she might have a hot cocoa while Mommy enjoys some decaff. She chatters my ear off while we sip and I enjoy every minute of it. Then when she's done she puts her glass on the counter and gets out the play-doh while Mommy's has some ice water and hits the blog zone to read or write. Some days there's too much to read to get to writing anything in the mornings and it has to wait until later. If something takes a bit to load I fold the laundry in the basket beside me as I wait. I like to listen to a sermon online while I fold, read, and blog. Chicklet keeps up a running commentary on what she's creating out of the play-doh in the kitchen and I respond encouragingly. I also drink lots of water and snack on almonds or jerky to keep my blood sugars level. Multitasking is the name of the game! Haha...
When she's done playing with her play-doh I consider the degree of mess. She always puts away the dough and tools but there are usually play-doh crumbs all over the floor when she's done. Not to mention normal kitchen floor stuff. If the kitchen floor isn't very bad, Play-Doh and all, I let her sweep it herself and then give her a rag to wash the table while I linger at the computer a little longer. If it's in need of a serious sweeping I have her wash the table while Mommy sweeps the floor. The person who doesn't sweep holds the dustpan for the other and then dumps the crumbs in the trash. ;)
If the kitchen trash is full we empty that sometime in the course of things. Chicklet puts a clean bag in the kitchen trash can while I drag the full one out to the outside can. Sometimes if it's almost full but not quite, I give her a rag to wash the lid while I sneak around the house looking for other smaller trashes to empty into the space at the top of the kitchen one to make it full enough to take out.
Noon- Buggie wakes up! Sorta... lol. Sometimes it takes him a bit to wind down at 10am before he falls asleep and then he's grouch-a-rama when I get him up at noon. Or sometimes he falls asleep instantly and wakes up a bit before noon and by the time I get in there he's removed his pillow from it's case and sang his ABC's three times and begun to holler, "Maaaarco!" for me to hurry up and finish sweeping so I can rescue him from boredom in the crib. Lol! I take the kids' folded clean clothes in with me when I go to get him up. I make a light lunch. Usually it's PB&J or bagels or fried eggs. Sometimes soup. Depends how hot it is and what we feel like eating. Gotta have some protein in there somewhere for my blood sugars.
For the next couple hours we do all sorts of stuff and in no particular order and with no particular consistency. Kids play with toys, Mommy finishes listening to her sermon, work on catechism with Chicklet and/or a reading/writing lesson, roll around on the floor with kids, play learning games with Bug like having him point to the body part I name or asking him what color this or that toy is. By 1:30pm I'm dragging, exhausted. I probably look at the clock 20 or 30 times in that last half hour before nap.
2:00pm- Snack. Bug's 2nd nap. I forget as much as I remember or more but this is the time I like to take the meat out of the freezer for supper. Chicklet goes to coloring station while Mama takes a nap! Yahoooooooo!!!!! If Chicklet has been naughty with crayons during the previous day's nap, she must take a nap with me instead of coloring. If she was responsible with her crayons and only colored on approved surfaces, she may color while Mama naps. And I do use Naps loosely. Remember what I said about her talking incessantly? Lol! So sleeping doesn't usually come into it unless she winds up napping with me, but I do manage to doze off here and there between her chatter. ;)
4:00pm- Sometimes it's later if Bug-bug had a short morning nap or his noisy sister takes a nap with me and is therefore not waking the house with her incessant conversation, but usually 4pm is the magic wake up time. I get him up and then sit in the living room refereeing kids while struggling to fully wake up and function. I'm seriously a zombie when I first get up. By
5:00pm- I've usually got myself coherent again and switch the laundry over, start a new load, start cooking the supper meat. Bug gets grumpy near dinnertime and starts picking on his sister. It gets a little wild trying to keep them sweet while making dinner and this is the time of day the phone is ringing off the hook too of course. Sometimes it all goes out the window. Especially on sick days. If I'm gonna get sick on any given day, you can be sure that between 5 and 6pm is when the puking is worst. Might have something to do with the smell of cooking meat being one of my worst triggers? So there are days when hubby calls to say he's on his way home and I have to ask him to pick up dinner because I just can't do it tonight.
6:00pm or whenever hubby gets home- We eat dinner. Kids play with Daddy for a while or take baths if they need them after eating dinner.
7:00pm- Bug bedtime normally.
7:30pm- Bug bedtime if he slept late at nap or doesn't seem tired. Chicklet bedtime if she's grumpy.
8:00pm- Chicklet's bedtime if she's being sweet and had a nap that day.
After the kids are in bed, Hubby and I talk, cuddle, watch a movie, hang out, veg out. Eventually the food gets put away and we play some more brain-powered games on Facebook than my morning brainless ones. ;) I scrub the toilet and pick up a little in the bathroom. Laundry, more laundry. I do alot of laundry after the tots are in bed. Anything that didn't get done that morning or is leftover from earlier in the week. Sometimes I take a shower. Sometimes I listen to another sermon. Sometimes he watches TV. Sometimes I blog. Sometimes he listens to music. Sometimes on Facebook we think it's funny to chat with each other even though we're sitting right next to each other. Hehe...
"We" usually hit the hay around 10pm but sometimes it's later or sometimes I don't go to bed with him right away because I'm finishing something up or sometimes I toss and turn for an hour or three and then get back up. When I finally do get to bed and get my body to fall asleep, it doesn't like to stay that way for long. I'm up at least every 2 or 3 hours for at least 10 minutes each time. Sometimes I wake up and can't get back to sleep for hours. On a good night I only wake up 3 times. Then along comes 7am and my morning sunshine walks in asking permission to use the bathroom and starting my day off with a smile! :)
So that's a typical day in my life! In all of it's partially-scheduled and partially-random weirdness.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Updates on the pregnancy
Today marks 29 weeks pregnant! Wow! I have so much left that I want to do and it's FLYING by so fast this time. Oh how it dragged with my others; I never expected to be nearly 30 weeks and starting to get nervous about how much I still wanted to get done before she arrives. But I must say it's really such a blessing to have time flying instead of dragging. I was so miserable with my son by the end I was in tears in pain almost all the time, and then he decided to take his sweet time about coming out. So this flying time is strange but welcome. In fact I'm even grateful for the slight twinge of occasional panic about having too much to do in too little time because it only serves to keep the time flying. If I had everything done or close, it would slow it down I think. That's my theory anyway. ;) What do you think?
I have begin walking. I know, the third trimester is a bit late to begin an exercise routine! Lol! I don't really ever walk just for my health anyway, so it's ... um... not easy. Haha. I was inspired to start late rather than not at all by Kim over at Life In a Shoe! I'd venture to guess I'm a little (a lot) nore out of shape than she was before she started so I'm not really seeing any results yet, though she said she felt better almost immediately so I'm holding out hope- any day now!
Friday night I walked about 8 blocks. This was my first walk. I thought my hips were going to explode. Oh the pain! Ow!
Saturday we went to a carnival and a parade and wound up walking an estimated 12 blocks. I could barely move. I got home and sat down and the pain was radiating from my hips and I was contracting and guzzling water and sunburned and it was not pretty.
Sunday I walked 8 blocks again, knowing that the 12 had been overkill for someone who doesn't walk and having paid for it all night long. Well I think 8 may still have been overkill, or else I was living on leftover overkill from the previous day because I was again in alot of pain. So...
Monday night I went for a walk and only went 6 blocks. Still ow but I slept like a baby (SERIOUSLY WHOEVER THOUGHT OF THAT EXPRESSION NEVER HAD A REAL BABY...) and didn't wake up in agony the next morning! I'd have gone 8 but I wore different shoes than I had before and was getting a blister so I cut it short.
Tuesday and Wednesday due to hubby's schedule I was unable to walk alone. Thursday was looking to be the same deal and I really didn't want to go that long and wind up having to basically start over with the boot-camp period, KWIM? So Thursday I bit the bullet and took the tots out in the heat of the day in the double stroller and went 8 blocks. I should have just gone 4 or 6 but I pushed it, literally. And let me tell you pushing 60 pounds worth of adorableness in a double stroller on a broken up old sidewalk is a workout in itself and will induce contractions. I was in all kinds of pain that night, but oddly didn't have any more contractions after I got back home and I did not wake up very sore the next morning. I decided I need to keep at it because surely it will stop hurting quite so bad any time now, seeing as it's starting to be better by morning.
Friday however I was not ambitious enough to go out in the heat of the day with the double stroller again so due to hubby's schedule I skipped the walk.
Yesterday I walked 9 blocks. And even though I waited until 8:30pm to go... WOW it was so hot out! :p I coulda done without the roasty temperature for sure. During; contractions but strangely (for me) not painful ones. I rarely get the unpainful ones. Afterward; hips were not pleased. Very ow. Next morning; still very ow.
So that is my new ambition, exercise. Why am I doing it and why now when I never have had a walking routine before? Well you see I have had such intense hip pain already, and I remember how horrible the hip pain got at the end with my last pregnancy, to where I literally could not even sleep without waking up a dozen times a night crying in pain. I've already begun the stage where the hip pain occasionally wakes me this time. So my hope is that the walking will strengthen or loosen up or whatever those hips of mine need to stop being such a literal pain in the rump. It would be such a blessing to be able to be 8 months pregnant and not feel like just walking through WalMart my hips might explode. So that is my goal, and whenever I have an ache or pain it's my reminder and motivator to KEEP WALKING!
In other pregnancy related news, here's my before-baby to-do list in case you felt like being bored to death. ;)
-Finish Bug's baby blanket. (Yeah I'm so bad I still haven't finished it and he's almost 2!)
-Start and finish Baby's blanket.
-Sew Chicklet's summer dress I bought fabric for (for EASTER) before it's not even summer anymore.
-Finish mending baby stuff.
-Finish the changes to my blog I started how many weeks ago now and have half-done still.
-If I feel terribly ambitious, clone my one dress that I can wear pregnant so I have a spare. ;) Oh and sew those pajamas I have had cut out since Christmas so I have another comfy pair to sleep in.
-FIND those 3 BumGenius that seem to have grown legs and run away to hid someplace!
-Wishing but not counting on this one. Procure supplies to try making Newborn sized cloth diaps to fit baby until she's big enough for the BG. If I ever find those BG... *sigh* Did I mention they've been lost since we moved 2 years ago? Yeah.
-Finish taking back my kitchen from the clutter monster. This one deserves a whole post of it's own... LOL!
-Put up some freezer meals or at least some pre-cooked and pre-measured ground beef and chicken breasts for meal starters for postpartum.
-June;Parades, carnival, and take tots cherry picking.
-July; take tots to firework show. Hubby's birthday!
-August; Buggie's 2nd birthday!
-September; BABY DUE! Chicklet's 4th Birthday! BIL's wedding which I will not be able to go to. :(
-October; Hunting season. Ugh! Need I say more? Lol! Hope I am recovered enough to go for a visit with my Mom while I'm hunting widow. ;)
Okay I'm done rambling on and on now. :) If you remember to ask me about my list later it might help me to stay on track and keep plugging away at checking things off. Keep me accountable! Help me to keep going!
I have begin walking. I know, the third trimester is a bit late to begin an exercise routine! Lol! I don't really ever walk just for my health anyway, so it's ... um... not easy. Haha. I was inspired to start late rather than not at all by Kim over at Life In a Shoe! I'd venture to guess I'm a little (a lot) nore out of shape than she was before she started so I'm not really seeing any results yet, though she said she felt better almost immediately so I'm holding out hope- any day now!
Friday night I walked about 8 blocks. This was my first walk. I thought my hips were going to explode. Oh the pain! Ow!
Saturday we went to a carnival and a parade and wound up walking an estimated 12 blocks. I could barely move. I got home and sat down and the pain was radiating from my hips and I was contracting and guzzling water and sunburned and it was not pretty.
Sunday I walked 8 blocks again, knowing that the 12 had been overkill for someone who doesn't walk and having paid for it all night long. Well I think 8 may still have been overkill, or else I was living on leftover overkill from the previous day because I was again in alot of pain. So...
Monday night I went for a walk and only went 6 blocks. Still ow but I slept like a baby (SERIOUSLY WHOEVER THOUGHT OF THAT EXPRESSION NEVER HAD A REAL BABY...) and didn't wake up in agony the next morning! I'd have gone 8 but I wore different shoes than I had before and was getting a blister so I cut it short.
Tuesday and Wednesday due to hubby's schedule I was unable to walk alone. Thursday was looking to be the same deal and I really didn't want to go that long and wind up having to basically start over with the boot-camp period, KWIM? So Thursday I bit the bullet and took the tots out in the heat of the day in the double stroller and went 8 blocks. I should have just gone 4 or 6 but I pushed it, literally. And let me tell you pushing 60 pounds worth of adorableness in a double stroller on a broken up old sidewalk is a workout in itself and will induce contractions. I was in all kinds of pain that night, but oddly didn't have any more contractions after I got back home and I did not wake up very sore the next morning. I decided I need to keep at it because surely it will stop hurting quite so bad any time now, seeing as it's starting to be better by morning.
Friday however I was not ambitious enough to go out in the heat of the day with the double stroller again so due to hubby's schedule I skipped the walk.
Yesterday I walked 9 blocks. And even though I waited until 8:30pm to go... WOW it was so hot out! :p I coulda done without the roasty temperature for sure. During; contractions but strangely (for me) not painful ones. I rarely get the unpainful ones. Afterward; hips were not pleased. Very ow. Next morning; still very ow.
So that is my new ambition, exercise. Why am I doing it and why now when I never have had a walking routine before? Well you see I have had such intense hip pain already, and I remember how horrible the hip pain got at the end with my last pregnancy, to where I literally could not even sleep without waking up a dozen times a night crying in pain. I've already begun the stage where the hip pain occasionally wakes me this time. So my hope is that the walking will strengthen or loosen up or whatever those hips of mine need to stop being such a literal pain in the rump. It would be such a blessing to be able to be 8 months pregnant and not feel like just walking through WalMart my hips might explode. So that is my goal, and whenever I have an ache or pain it's my reminder and motivator to KEEP WALKING!
In other pregnancy related news, here's my before-baby to-do list in case you felt like being bored to death. ;)
-Finish Bug's baby blanket. (Yeah I'm so bad I still haven't finished it and he's almost 2!)
-Start and finish Baby's blanket.
-Sew Chicklet's summer dress I bought fabric for (for EASTER) before it's not even summer anymore.
-Finish mending baby stuff.
-Finish the changes to my blog I started how many weeks ago now and have half-done still.
-If I feel terribly ambitious, clone my one dress that I can wear pregnant so I have a spare. ;) Oh and sew those pajamas I have had cut out since Christmas so I have another comfy pair to sleep in.
-FIND those 3 BumGenius that seem to have grown legs and run away to hid someplace!
-Wishing but not counting on this one. Procure supplies to try making Newborn sized cloth diaps to fit baby until she's big enough for the BG. If I ever find those BG... *sigh* Did I mention they've been lost since we moved 2 years ago? Yeah.
-Finish taking back my kitchen from the clutter monster. This one deserves a whole post of it's own... LOL!
-Put up some freezer meals or at least some pre-cooked and pre-measured ground beef and chicken breasts for meal starters for postpartum.
-July; take tots to firework show. Hubby's birthday!
-August; Buggie's 2nd birthday!
-September; BABY DUE! Chicklet's 4th Birthday! BIL's wedding which I will not be able to go to. :(
-October; Hunting season. Ugh! Need I say more? Lol! Hope I am recovered enough to go for a visit with my Mom while I'm hunting widow. ;)
Okay I'm done rambling on and on now. :) If you remember to ask me about my list later it might help me to stay on track and keep plugging away at checking things off. Keep me accountable! Help me to keep going!

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